
Besides staying healthy and having a high self-esteem, what does every parent, coach and athlete want? Of course it is speed. No matter the age, no matter the sport, no matter how fast or slow you may be, every athlete I have ever trained desired to be faster. Let’s be honest, speed is a gamechanger and will always be the most valued athletic attribute coaches want on their team. With that said speed development is a process that can be extremely fruitful or quite frustrating depending on how it is approached and keeping the big picture in mind. As for an 8-11 year old population we use a 3 step approach to developing speed.

To start I want to readily admit I am stealing directly from Mike Robertson’s article.  So credit goes to him. I recommend you take a look at his article as it is a great place to gain some great insight into why athletes are dropping like flies. With that said I wanted to expand on his article and make it more directed towards a younger population, specifically high school aged athletes.

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Join us for the inagural OAK AD Sport Performance Coaches Clinic.  This event will be full of athlete building training and education from some of the best strength and conditioning coaches around the Kankakee area.  Expect to get training tips, learn about the methods that work the best, example workouts, network with like minded coaches and most importantly learn how to immediately apply all of this into your program to build faster, stronger and more resilient athletes!

What is progressive overload?

In simple terms progressive overload is the ability to do more over time. It is increasing the demands on the body in order to continually make improvements in strength, size, speed, endurance, or any other fitness or physiological quality. For example, if I lift the same weights for the same number of reps the same way for the next 5 years…nothing will ever change. Your body will stay the same since there is no overload taking place. However, if you progressively increase the demands placed on your body such as increasing the weight lifted, increasing the number of reps, increasing the speed of the movement or any other variance that will increase demand on the body then your body has no choice but to adapt.

Even if you're an extremely busy professional with multiple obligations and limited time to workout, you can still get in take control of your fitness and get in the best shape you've been in years.

We have all heard the older we get the harder it becomes to lose that gut. Well it doesn't have to be that way.  Here are six methods you can start today to shrink that beltline.

Some of the best stretches you can do are ones that allow you to warm up multiple joints at the same time because they allow you to warm-up much quicker than you otherwise would.

We all have that something in us that inspires awe. It is just up to us to let it all out there. Today I have compiled a list of ways you can become even more awesome than you already are.

Ten exercises to rule them all. From a pure strength building standpoint these are my top 10 favorite for building force producing capabilities. When we talk about strength building exercises I am speaking directly about strength and not power, speed or muscle building; we'll save that for another list.  Don't agree, make your own list!

Renowned physical therapist and movement expert Gray Cook first introduced the performance pyramid and its true merit and value to anyone attempting to optimize their training and true physical potential. Understanding this three layered pyramid is essential for building a better program. In addition, it really starts to provide us some clarity as to what to train and when to do so.