
As the calendar hits January 13th another year for me comes to a close. Year 31 was full of intrigue and fun. Like all things it had ups, downs, ins, outs, opportunities taken, opportunities missed, but always, always, worth every minute. This was a really fun post for me ....hope you enjoy!

 13 Lessons and Reminders from year 31

#1) Motivation comes and goes, but inspiration ultimately determines how successful one will be.
I have come to the realization there is a big difference between motivation and inspiration. For some time I considered them one in the same but now I understand the difference and how they apply to my life.

Inspiration is that magnetic and irresistible feeling that PULLS me in a definite direction. It is something I cannot deny and it is always present. While my motivation seems to change from time-to-time and isn't always irresistible. My motivation represents the PUSH that I need to get the things done which I deem important and useful. We never have to look for inspiration as it is always there, where as motivation isn't always as strong and even sometimes is lacking or missing altogether.

My motivation to train is to build strength, size and overall athleticism as long as I can. It helps we feel accomplished and the achievement is always worth my time and effort. Some days it can alleviate stress, anxiety or even anger; it clears my head and adds to my overall wellness. In addition, the feeling I get after a seriously challenging session is rewarding in itself.

My inspiration comes from the fact that training simply makes me feel more alive and closer to life. There would simply be a void in my life it did not exist. Like they say, life is for the living and training brings me this feeling every time!

What pushes you?
What pulls you? ---Find your pull.

#2) Cinnamon is an amazing spice which you can put on about anything.
I add this powerful spice to my cereal, cottage cheese and smoothies. Along with being loaded with essential nutrients cinnamon has shown to help control blood sugar. That's right, season your carbs with a bit of cinnamon and you will lessen their impact on your blood sugar levels.

#3) We have too many options.
We fail to get really good at things because we are distracted by all of the options out there. I tell my girlfriend all the time one of reasons I can't handle shopping is because there are simply too many options. Give me a couple choices and I will figure out which one is best for me. Give me ten choices and I will quickly become overwhelmed and leave the store empty handed.

This same idea holds true with today's fitness industry. We have...

-exercises for a tighter tummy
-exercises for a shapely behind
-exercises for speed and agility
-programs for fat-loss
-programs for muscle-gain
-products for him
-products for her
-products for the dog
-fat-loss shakes
-recovery shakes
-shake weights

Shake Weight


Obviously you get the idea. We have infinite options yet the typical results/improvements the average person sees are poor at best. The fact of the matter is that we fail to get good at anything or stick with anything long enough to learn enough about it and understand how it is best applied to us.

Exercise jumping, program jumping, diet jumping, supplement jumping. This is our way as a society. We want it now and still, still, won't accept the fact that it takes dedicated, planned, consistent, hard-work to get the job done.

The people who get the best results are those who do not buy into the hype and fluff of marketing efforts and product pushes. These select few learn to focus on the goal at hand, learn from their past experiences (successes and failures), learn patience in building a body, and most of all learn from the true experts and what the science has proven works best.

From that point they choose what is useful for them and reject the rest. They put their focus and consistent hard work to action while constantly assessing their efforts.

#4) The power of the beard is real
I'm sure many of you realize this already but the powerful man growth on my face does in fact hold vast power and wisdom. Believe it or not ladies it's not just for looks.


#5) Your body needs some TLC
If you train hard you need to recover easy. I am very guilty of not giving my body the means of recovery that it yearns. Ultimately the goal of a performance based training program is to be completely recovered from the previous session before the next session begins. If there are lingering effects of past sessions overall performance will dip and long-term training adaptations will suffer.

You cannot out smart your body. 

Why, because it is beyond your control. Sure you can dig deep and push but at the end of the day the horses just won't be there. There are chemical interactions that occur at a cellular level that are well beyond your age or will power. The bottom line is how well you are recovered will determine how successful each and every training session will be. 

#6) Effort is everything
While your parents ultimately determine your genetic ceiling; superior effort can close the gap in those who aren't as physically blessed as folks like MJ or Usain. Some folks understand effort from an early age while others never get to that point. What is hard to one is simple to another, and what is painful to another is refreshing to another. Effort has nothing to do with physical ability. Effort is 100% mental and is cultivated over years of doing with the willingness to suffer for your success. Never assume you can't bring any more to the table.  Great athletes always expect more from themselves, continue to push, and through their efforts, leave past barriers in their wake.

#7) There is no such thing as cheap coffee that tastes good.
I have wrestled this one for some time and concluded that my morning coffee is worth paying for. I have tried countless cheaper coffee brands but for me nothing quite does what Starbucks does. I guess I'll pay the extra couple of bucks every week and savor that sweet French Roast goodness.


#8) It's all about efficiency
Efficiency is movement, time management, heck for me grocery shopping. Get more done with less overall work. This is the goal in our movements and life. Our aim is to limit excess stress to our systems. If we are in poor alignment we lose efficiency. If we lack joint mobility we lose efficiency. If we lack coordination we lose efficiency. The list could go on but the idea is that we should always be attempting to plug up our body's energy leaks.

#9) I still like Illinois weather
I'm not saying the bitter cold and short days are fun, but it certainly makes me appreciate the nice weather when it comes our way. I've always said a little suffering is good for everybody as it thickens our skin a bit and helps us appreciate more; two things that can do us all some good.

#10) Fat loss is simple, but not easy.
Paralysis by analysis is the bottom line here. Every single one of us knows one thing we could do right now that would significantly help us lose fat. The problem is we tell ourselves we can't start anything until we have every single piece figured out and organized. And this is why most fail miserably. The key is to adopt one new habit at a time. Evidence has shown us time and time again that the more habits people try to form at the same time the lower the percentage of success. While focusing on single changes boosts folks rates of achievement anywhere from 50-80%.

#11) I still hate running, but I love sprinting!
There was a time I actually enjoyed distance-running (ok middle distance, 3-5 miles), and more-so, I was actually pretty good at it. I suppose it started when I was a Marine as we didn't have the option but it continued even after I finished my service as I regularly competed in 5Ks and 4-mile races. Heck I even took 2nd Place once at the Steamboat Classic in Peoria, mind-you it was the Clydesdale Division (Big Boys). But over time that love shifted into a cold and bitter hate. I don't know how or why it happened but it did, and that much I am sure of. Nowadays I still run but it is of the sprinting variety.

Short, sweet and utterly intense. Rest-repeat. Not only is sprinting great for force production, explosiveness and overall athleticism but is an awesome way for adults to stay springy and strong. The older we get the less we use our athletic muscle fibers.  These   type II or fast twitch muscle fibers have the ability to contract fast and bring a lot of punch to the party.  Athletes use these fibers all of the time during any type of short duration explosive movement. 

Meanwhile, for most adults once their playing days are over they no longer sprint or do much of anything that is explosive in nature. By law of the universe, if you don't use it you lose it. And this is the reason why so many adults are lacking any explosive ability or athletic prowess.  Sorry folks running for duration or distance won't cover it, as fast twitch muscle fibers only operate under maximum intensity and fatigue very fast.  Remember fast is fast and slow is slow. Burn it up! 

#12) It's great to be a Redbird fan!
Some things never get old and winning is probably at the top of that list as my beloved St. Louis Cardinals can tell you. Another year another Central Division title and another National League Championship to proudly display.  Sorry Cub fans but Cardinal dominance isn't going anywhere, anytime soon! The Cardinal Way is the only way. GO BIRDS!

#13) 13 is not an unlucky number.
To some 13 is the sign of bad luck and other poor fortune but for me every time Janary 13th comes around realize more and more just how lucky I actually am for the good, the bad and the ugly of life. The challenge of life isn't striving for constant happiness or friendship but rather, the battle to resist laziness, slothfulness and self-pity. I have accepted that some suffering is part of the deal and in the end makes the fruit of life ripe and good for the tasting. This journey is one that can take many paths but steering aimlessly will never be an option for me.  I may not always get it right but I will always give what I have for the ride. Because the ride is glorious.